Our activities

Alongside its exchanges, IVSA the Netherlands also organises lectures within the theme of international veterinary medicine, or in collaboration with other IVSA MOs. Through this, we hope to contribute to the international view of Dutch students of veterinary medicine. Some example of our latest events are:

Bake sale

On January 15th 

This afternoon we had a bake sale. On this afternoon we sold 3 types of treats that we had baked ourselves for a small price. We brought a carrot cake, arretjescake (a typical dutch specialty) and vegan cupcakes. It was a successful afternoon, where many students could enjoy something tasty during the break! Students were also able to briefly get to know the IVSA and our new MO.

Animal Welfare Discussion with IVSA Colombia

5th of September 2020, 19.00 via MS Teams - Together with VetInvolved, IVSA The Netherlands and IVSA Colombia held an online discussion on animal welfare. Through four short presentations with discussion statements, we got to learn a lot from each other in less than two hours! The subjects discussed were: NL-Slaughterhouse scandals & Legislation on brachycephalic dogs and CO- Pig transportation & cat welfare in veterinary practice. One of the things that we discovered during this evening was that there are a lot of small farmers in Colombia who bring their own animals to the slaughterhouse. Sometimes, up to three pigs can sit on a motorcycle together with their driver. That is quite different from what we are used to in the Netherlands!

Meeting ''Vets without Borders''

25th of February 2021, 19.00 via MS Teams - During the meeting, hosted by IVSA the Netherlands, VSF the Netherlands and VSF Germany and VSF International students were introduced to the international work of Vets without Borders (Vétérinaire Sans Frontière (VSF)). International representatives from VSF explained their projects and how they contribute to developing veterinary healthcare on different continents. In addition to this, the students from VSF the Netherlands presented their activities and how you can get involved as a student.

Do you have a good idea for an activity, or would you like to collaborate with IVSA the Netherlands? Do not hesitate to contact us